Mohammad Tawhidi (Imam of Peace) Biography, Career, Life, Networth, Wife.

Tawhidi self-identifies as Tawhidi is a Shia Muslim of Iraqi origin who was born in Qom, Iran, in 1982 or 1983.

Quick Profile

Real Names: Tawhidi Mohammad

Date of Birth: 1982

Nationality: Australian

Networth: Undisclosed

Wife: Undisclosed


Education and early life

The year 2009 was the first time he began a course for a bachelor’s program with a major in Islamic study at Al-Mustafa University in Qom, but he dropped out in 2012. He then worked for one of the Shirazi-run TV channels in Karbala. The year 2015 saw him move back to Australia and is now living in Adelaide. He speaks fluently Arabic, English, and Persian.


Tawhidi previously regarded Sadiq Hussaini Shirazi to be his Marja Taqlid. From 2015 onwards, Tawhidi has stated that he does not follow any particular religion. There have been clear divergences between Shirazi’s and his views on a myriad of subjects.

Tawhidi is the president of the Islamic Association of South Australia which he established in the year 2016. Tawhidi refers to himself as”the “Imam of Peace”.


Tawhidi is of the opinion that Islam needs to be changed for survival. He believes that all acts of terrorism are a crime in the Quran and had criticized ISIL for being an extreme organization that did not reflect religion. In June 2017, following the terrorist attack by jihadis in London Tawhidi described the branch as a “cancer” on the religion. He has also been criticizing females’ treatment in Islamic countries. He has called for women to be appointed to the Australian National Imams Council and has criticized the wearing of hijab when in public. Tawhidi also opposes Muslim’s justifications for polygamy, domestic violence as well as the murder of apostates.

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Political Opinions

He is in favor of limiting the construction of mosques and has pushed for the ban of Islamic texts, including those of the Sahih al-Bukhari, in that they are utilized as an ideological basis for terrorist attacks He advocates for the deportation of radical Islamic leadership from Australia and is in favor of a temporary travel ban for Muslims who travel out of in the Middle East to Australia.

Tawhidi has claimed that Halal certification is a threat to the Australian way of life and was among the most vocal supporters of the closing of Islamic schools in totality or radical altering them in order to protect the students. Following his comments, Tawhidi claimed he had been “escorted into hiding by the police” in fear of being retaliated against by members of the Muslim community. A spokesperson for the police said to The Australian that “there have been no incidents relating to the removal of a person from a mosque or similar place.”

In August, upon India abrogating the special status granted to Jammu and Kashmir the president declared Kashmir as a Hindu area that was legally claimed by India and further claimed it was the case that Pakistan and Kashmir were part of India because it was more ancient than Islam.

Imam Mohammad Tawhidi said Palestine along with Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Syria is Jewish land since Jews resided there prior to Muslims. He believes that Jews are entitled to create a Jewish state in all of these nations.

The Attention of the Media

In March of 2016, Tawhidi released a statement about a man who had been granted bail after allegedly taking a woman’s headdress off on an Adelaide bus. Adelaide. Tawhidi said: “If government laws do not prevent such assaults, then I fear that a day will come where the Muslim community might take matters into their own hands to protect their women and mothers.” In his statement, Tawhidi also suggested that the Australian government should reconsider its laws regarding women’s headscarves. Tawhidi has since clarified that his declaration was not intended to be taken as threatening, and he was dissatisfied about how his remarks were perceived as such by ABC in addition to the Daily Mail Australia. The confusion caused by media outlets led him to create an organization called the “Imams for Peace” organization.

In the year 2016, he was a participant at 2016 the World Alliance of Religions for Peace (WARP) Summit in South Korea, hosted by Lee Man-hee. It was a very special event as the WARP Summit coincided with the Lee Man-hee’s birthday. Tawhidi was a strong supporter of the event, and was quoted as declaring “this WARP Summit is an event blessed by God because it is every religious person’s wish to achieve peace through an alliance into one religion.”

In February of 2017, Tawhidi caused controversy when the actor was on an episode of the Australian news program Today Tonight. On the show, Tawhidi suggested the possibility that Islamic extremists were working together to establish an Islamic caliphate in Australia. The host also suggested that the extremists were planning to grow their Muslim populace in Australia and change the names of streets to Islamic terrorists. Tawhidi has called for a federal entity to be created to look into and investigate the Muslim community.

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The same month, Tawhidi asked Tawhidi to defend the former Jakarta Governor Ahok during his trial for blasphemy. Tawhidi argued that the enraged Islamic groups had misinterpreted the words of the Quran which Ahok was alleged to have referenced in a way that was blasphemous. Tawhidi declared that there’s no problem with non-Muslims living in an Islamic majority country. Tawhidi stated that he’s received threats to kill the Indonesian government’s Islamic Defenders Front.

Tawhidi has previously had his visit to Indonesia denied in the month of October 2015, when it was believed that he had offended the Sunni majority nation through his use of the term “Indonesia”. Islamic organization Hidayatullah described Tawhidi as “an extreme Shia.” A statement by DPP ABI, an Indonesian Shia organization, said Tawhidi was believed to be an Islamic “takfiri” and they rejected his presence in Indonesia. The statement continued to declare that the presence of Tawhidi would be detrimental to attempts to “achieve unity of the Muslims in the face of Zionism.”

In May of 2017, Tawhidi appeared as a guest on the Australian morning television show Sunrise in order to talk about the latest Manchester Arena bombing. Tawhidi claimed that numerous younger Muslims were being encouraged to believe that killing infidels would enable them to attain paradise in heaven. Tawhidi also said that the Manchester attacker would have believed that he would be in heaven because of what he had done.

He’s also a big admirer of Indian actress Raveena Tandon. Some of his tweets on her were collated in a Twitter thread that went viral in the year 2019.

In the year 2019, he was also his only Shia Imam who was the first to “pay respects at Auschwitz” concentration camp.


Bronwyn Adcock, who wrote for The ABC, wrote that Tawhidi was a minority figure within the Muslim community.


Zuhdi Jasser, who wrote an op-ed in Asia Times Online, said that Tawhidi only criticized Sunni Islamists but never Islamists in his community like the Iran regime. In the end, he was not a reformer, but rather a Shia radical. Chloe Patton, in an article for the ABC, referred to Tawhidi as a “Shia extremist” and accused them of engaging in the “sectarian war against Australia’s majority Sunni community.” Patton spoke about Tawhidi’s remarks on behalf of Andrew Bolt that Sahih al-Bukhari is considered a sacred Sunni text which should be censored. Paul Barry, the presenter of Media Watch, made mention of Tawhidi’s comments calling holy Sunni text “monkey teachings”, and identified Sunnis as “followers of an alcoholic, rapist caliph.”

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Tawhidi has been welcomed by several Western extremist and Islamophobic groups. Tawhidi is accused as an ally of Australian extreme-right groups, including One Nation and the Australian Liberty Alliance in addition to One Nation. Tawhidi was a vocal defender of One Nation leader Pauline Hanson and was a defender of her views.


Tawhidi has however criticized Iran for imprisoning scholars who criticize the government. of the regime, and said that people in Iran frequently are subject to “waves of oppression, torture, and lack of human rights.”

In other instances, Tawhidi has promoted unity between Muslim sects and has opposed sectarianism within Islam. In June of 2016 Tawhidi started Ramadan by going to an Ahmadiyya mosque and paying tribute to the people of the area. In an article for The Huffington Post, he declares that Muslim divisions and sects become irrelevant in serious issues of national security.

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