Anabaptism Explained

Anabaptism Explained. Anabaptists refer to Christians who are adamant about wanting to be baptized until the candidate acknowledges their faith in Christ instead of being baptized at the age of…

Quakerism Simplified

Quakerism Simplified. Quakers are those who are part of a historically Protestant Christian group of religions that is officially referred to by The Religious Society of Friends. The members of these…

Purgatory Simplified

Purgatory Simplified. Purgatory is, in accordance with the beliefs of a few Christians the state of being, after death that allows for the cleansing of the body. Purgatory, the state…

The Three Creeds

The Three Creeds. Creeds are often recited during Christian worship services. A creed by definition is a summary or statement of what one believes. See AlsoMary, Jesus Christ in the…